Makibaa The Living Out Experiences among the Imiligan of Upper Bauko, Mountain Province

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Leonardo L. Samonte


This study was conducted to document the living out (makibaa) practice in Bauko, Mountain Province. While migration generally happens purposely for economic and political reasons, the youth from this indigenous people’s village migrated because of their desire for educational advancement albeit the temporary period.

The study was about the iMiligan youth leaving their biological families to live with non-relatives in the lowlands. The research included the problems that the baa (foster children) encountered and how they managed such problems. Using descriptive method and purposive sampling technique, responses were gathered through in-depth interviews involving 26 key informants. Findings revealed that the participants moved to various destinations in the lowlands due to push and pull factors. The push factors are economic, geographical, social, political, and education. The pull factors are availability and proximity of schools, educational opportunities, values and skills’ development, and high demand from the among (foster parents). Participants described their stay in the lowlands as memorable, rewarding, and gratifying although some encountered negative experiences. Participants employed varied strategies in response to the negative encounters. The choice of destinations and prospective foster families followed some schemes and strategies such as referrals from former or current baa; by invitation from prospective foster parents or referrals of foster parents; and through request of biological parents for foster families.

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