Manipulating Nitrogen Release from Organic Fertilizers as Affected by Organic Biological Waste in Soil

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May Ann C. Tuba-ang Carlito P. Laurean


The experiment was conducted at the Department of Soil Science Laboratory Room, College of Agriculture, Benguet State University, La Trinidad, Benguet from November 2006 to May 2007 to determine the effect of organic fertilizers as affected by organic biological waste in the release of nitrogen and some chemical properties of the soil.

The pH of the soil, organic matter content, available nitrogen content and nitrogen mineralized were all significantly affected by the different kinds and combinations of organic fertilizers and organic biological waste. The application of chicken manure with cabbage refuse or wild sunflower significantly resulted to the highest pH value, organic matter content, amount of available nitrogen and nitrogen mineralized during the six different incubation periods.

The pH, organic matter content and amount of available nitrogen in the soil was observed to exhibit an increase and then a decrease of values. The pH and organic matter content values continuously increase until the 5", 7", or tO'h week and would then gradually decrease up to the end of the incubation period. Release of available nitrogen in the soil was significantly increasing until the end of the incubation period. The continuous increase suggests that applying different kinds of organic fertilizers supplemented with fresh organic biological wastes (OBW) is enough to satisfy the nitrogen requirement of crops for their growth and development. This is in particular with those that require large amount of nitrogen. Among those applied, chicken manure combined with cabbage refuse or wild sunflower are the best materials.

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